Retrieve Income & Employer Verification

Once you've requested income & employer verification and the status of your request is complete, you can retrieve the results.

The results include an overview of annual gross pay, monthly gross pay, and monthly net pay broken down by income recipient and further delineated by income type and source. They also include additional details about bonus payments and mandatory student loan repayments. The response will also list all of the different data sources which were used to complete the verification.

Use the GET Income & Employer endpoint and ensure the relevant request_id is specified in the URL.

  "request_id": "8ef5079a-b3de-44a5-b4ff-c534259e752c",
  "status": "Pending",
  "entity_id": "b3f6ed8f-bc57-4a23-801e-e744aecb7b03",
  "entity_type": "case",
  "datetime_requested": "2024-01-01T12:38:45.711Z",
  "datetime_completed": "2024-01-02T12:22:07.747Z",
  "message": "Income request pending",
  "data": {
    "income_details": [
        "income_recipient": "Sharon Smith",
        "income_type": "Employment",
        "income_source": "BUILDING HOME LTD",
        "annual_gross_pay": "23657.04",
        "monthly_gross_pay": "1971.42",
        "monthly_net_pay": "1561.93",
        "additional_information": {
          "bonuses": [
              "amount": "222.22",
              "date": "2024-01-01"
          "monthly_student_loan_deductions": "222.44"
        "income_data_sources": [
            "source_type": "Payslip",
            "number_of_sources": 1,
            "date_range_start_date": "2024-01",
            "date_range_end_date": "2024-01",
            "data_sources": [
                "source_name": "PayslipFile.pdf",
                "source_id": "4b9ac393-d34b-4a14-9ee3-88ce2d244e90",
                "source_category_type": "Document",
                "source_type": "Payslip"
    "data_sources": [
        "source_name": "PayslipFile.pdf",
        "source_id": "4b9ac393-d34b-4a14-9ee3-88ce2d244e90",
        "source_category_type": "Document",
        "source_type": "Payslip"

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