Companies and People

Cases can contain two different types of entities: companies and/or people. These represent the entities you wish to gather information on for making informed business decisions. For example:

  • A lending company processing a loan application for a business will want to gather information about the company who it is considering lending to. Additionally, they might seek information about the people who serve as directors of that company.
  • A mortgage broker processing a mortgage application for a couple will want to gather information on each of the people applying for the mortgage. If those people are self-employed, the broker may also want to gather information on the companies that they manage.
  • A debt financing company assessing a credit limit a corporate credit card for a business will want to gather information about the company they are lending to. The financing company may also want to gather information about the people who are the directors of that company.

You have the flexibility to include as many companies and people as needed within a single case.


The Company entity is Sikoia's representation of a company. Each company created within Sikoia is assigned a unique company_id.

When creating a company, you can automatically enrich it with publicly available company registry data. If directors or stakeholders need to be included, you can create separate person entities either during company creation or later.

After creating the company, you can enrich it with additional data like credit reports, online data, adverse media data, PEPs & sanctions data, and banking data.


The Person entity is Sikoia's representation of a person. Each person created within Sikoia is assigned a unique person_id.

Creating a person can be done with a just their name, but you can also include optional details like date of birth and address.

After creating a person, you can enrich their profile with additional data such as identity verification data, adverse media data, PEPs & sanctions data, and banking data.



Start exploring Sikoia's company and person endpoints here.

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