Sikoia's Decisioning Engine allows you to automatically evaluate entity data against predefined rules to determine whether a case aligns with your specific policy requirements.
This solution is currently exclusively available through the Sikoia Dashboard.

How it Works
The Decisioning Engine allows you to create and apply checklists tailored for specific entities, such as companies or people. Each checklist comprises multiple rules designed to assess whether the case data meets specified criteria.
Standardised KYB / KYC Checklists
When you add an entity to a case, the default KYB and KYC checklists are applied by default. The results of these checklists can be viewed on the case overview page in the Sikoia Dashboard.

If some of the data required to evaluate a rule within the checklist is missing, the data can be requested directly from the overview page. Once the data is returned, the rule will evaluate automatically.
Specialised Checklists
Specialised checklists can be applied to an entity via the checklist tab.
Simply add an entity to a case, go to the checklist tab, and click the "add checklist" button.

Select the checklist you would like to apply.

Select the entity you would like to apply the checklist to.

That checklist will automatically evaluate all the available data for the entity and indicate if all the rules have passed or if anything needs to be referred for further review.
More Information
Have questions or want to discuss our solution with a specialist? Contact us and we'll be happy to assist.
Updated 7 months ago