Example Validation Checklists
Below are examples of commonly used validation checklists. The Sikoia team can help to configure checklists that include the specific rules that you want to run based on your policy requirements.
Example 1: Is this document a bank statement issued in the last 3 months?
- Rule 1: Is the document a bank statement?
- Rule 2: Has the document passed all integrity checks?
- Rule 3: Was the bank statement issued within the last three calendar months?
Example 2: Is this document a payslip issued in the last 3 months?
- Rule 1: Is the document a payslip?
- Rule 2: Has the document passed all integrity checks?
- Rule 3: Was the payslip issued within the last three calendar months?
Example 3: Have all of an applicant's bank statements from the last 3 months been provided?
- Rule 1: Do the bank statements contain at least 90 days of transaction history?
- Rule 2: Are all relevant bank statements dated within the last 90 days?
- Rule 3: Are bank and account details consistent across all relevant bank statements?
- Rule 4: Are the relevant bank statements consecutive?
- Rule 5: Have all relevant bank statements passed all integrity checks?
Example 4: Have all of an applicant's payslips from the last 3 months been provided?
- Rule 1: Have the right number of payslips been provided?
- If pay frequency is weekly, have 12 payslips been provided?
- If pay frequency is bi-weekly, have 6 payslips been provided?
- If pay frequency is monthly, have 3 payslips been provided?
- Rule 2: Are all relevant payslips dated within the last 90 days?
- Rule 3: Are employee details consistent across all relevant payslips?
- Rule 4: Are the relevant payslips consecutive?
- Rule 5: Have all relevant payslips passed all integrity checks?
Updated 8 months ago