Request Income & Employer Verification

Once you've created a case and uploaded the relevant documents, you can request an income and employer verification. There are two stages to this process:

Generate Income & Employment Verification Request

Use the POST Income & Employer endpoint to initiate the verification for the specific entity.

  "request_id": "8ef5079a-b3de-44a5-b4ff-c534259e752c",
  "status": "Pending",
  "entity_id": "b3f6ed8f-bc57-4a23-801e-e744aecb7b03",
  "entity_type": "case",
  "datetime_requested": "2024-01-01T12:38:45.711Z",,
  "message": "Income request pending"

Record the request_id from the response as it will be required to check the status.

Check the Status of the Request

Monitor the status of the request by polling the GET Income & Employer endpoint. Specify the request_id for the relevant entity in the request. Wait for a Complete status to be achieved before retrieving the verification results.

  "request_id": "w5f84a41-01cf-4d21-901d-124c5a7c743a",
  "status": "Pending",
  "entity_id": "b3f6ed8f-bc57-4a23-801e-e744aecb7b03",
  "entity_type": "case",
  "datetime_requested": "2024-01-01T12:38:45.711Z",
  "message": "Income request pending"

Webhook Events

There is not currently a webhook event to notify you when the income and employer verification process has been completed, but we we do plan to introduce such an event soon.