Supported Banks & Accounts

Bank Statements

Statement extraction is currently limited to UK banks. A complete list of supported banks and institutions is available here.

Open Banking Connections

Open banking connections must meet the following criteria in order to be used to generate affordability insights.

  • Connection must be for a UK bank. Data from accounts outside the UK cannot be used to generate an affordability insight at this time.
  • Connection must be for one of the following account types. Data from other types of open banking accounts cannot be used to generate an affordability insight at this time.

Supported Account Types

Account TypeAccount Type CodeDescription
CurrentCURRENT, currentAn account that enables individuals and businesses to deposit, withdraw, and manage their funds, providing a convenient way for day-to-day financial transactions (also known as a checking account)
Credit CardCREDIT_CARDA payment card issued by a financial institution, allowing cardholders to make purchases on credit, up to a predetermined limit, with the option to carry a balance and pay it off over time, subject to interest charges.
E-MoneyE_MONEYA digital financial account that holds electronic money, allowing users to make online transactions, digital payments, and other financial activities through electronic means.
Limited Liquidity Savings AccountLIMITED_LIQUIDITY_SAVINGS_ACCOUNTA savings account that may have restrictions or limitations on the ease of accessing funds.
Money MarketMONEY_MARKETAn interest-bearing deposit account offered by financial institutions, combining features of savings and checking accounts, with competitive interest rates, limited check-writing capabilities, and higher liquidity compared to certain other investments.A financial arrangement linked to a checking account, allowing the account holder to withdraw more money than is available in the account, up to a specified limit, and usually subject to associated fees and interest charges.
OverdraftOVERDRAFTA financial arrangement linked to a checking account, allowing the account holder to withdraw more money than is available in the account, up to a specified limit, and usually subject to associated fees and interest charges.
SavingsSAVINGSA deposit account that allows individuals to safely store their money while earning interest on the deposited funds, providing a low-risk option for short-term savings.