Request Affordability Insights

Once you've created a case and uploaded the relevant documents or created an open banking connection, you can request affordability insights. There are two stages to this process:

Generate Affordability Insight Request

Use the POST Affordability Insights endpoint to initiate the affordability insights request for the specific entity.

  "request_id": "a5f84a41-01cf-4d21-901d-124c5a7c743a",
  "status": "Pending",
  "entity_id": "7885857d-fa2b-43ab-8b15-67e5fea8e896",
  "entity_type": "case",
  "datetime_requested": "2023-11-24T12:38:45.711Z",
  "message": "Affordability insights pending"

Record the request_id from the response as it will be required to check the status.

Check the Status of the Request

Monitor the status of the requested Affordability Insights by setting up a webhook with event_type = AffordabilityInsights.Completed. Check out our webhooks guide for more information on how to set up and configure webhooks.

Alternatively, you can monitor the status by polling the GET Affordability Insights endpoint. Specify the request_id for the relevant entity in the request. Wait for a Complete status to be achieved before retrieving the Affordability Insights.

  "request_id": "a5f84a41-01cf-4d21-901d-124c5a7c743a",
  "status": "Pending",
  "entity_id": "7885857d-fa2b-43ab-8b15-67e5fea8e896",
  "entity_type": "case",
  "datetime_requested": "2023-11-24T12:38:45.711Z",
  "message": "Affordability insights pending"

Webhook Events

If you have configured any webhooks that reference the AffordabilityInsights.Completed event you will receive a request of this event type as soon as the affordability insights process has completed. This prevents the need for long polling the GET Affordability Insights endpoint to check when the status changes.