Request Credit Report

Request Credit Report

Create a request to get a Credit Report for a company.

A request can be created with only the company_id - the required data is retrieved from the company entitiy.
A 422 - Unprocessable Error will be raised if the company entity is missing company_number or country_code.

Alternatively, the company entity details can be overridden by sending company_number, company_name, and country_code alongside the company_id in the request body.
This credit report returned will be associated with the company_id on the request.

A third option, is to send a 3rd party data provider provider_id for a specific company within their system.
This credit report returned will be associated with the company_id on the request.

If it is not possible to resolve the credit report to a single company, the response will have a status of TooManyResults.
It is possible to resolve this picklist using the POST /v2/company-credit-reports/picklist endpoint.

The picklist details are returned by the GET /v2/company-credit-reports/{request_id} endpoint.

Handle Company Credit Report Picklists
Open Recipe
Access Company Credit Report
Open Recipe
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!