Release 58
about 2 months ago by Panos Veranoudis
Deployed to Production
on 10/01/2025.
Update about OAuth 2.0
A friendly reminder: Sikoia's API has migrated to the OAuth 2.0. protocol. For details on this migration, refer to our Authentication guide. We've extended the deprecation timeline for API key usage to March 31st, 2025; you can find the deprecation announcement here.
New Feature
- Document Integrity Checks: Introducing our new Document Integrity Checks solution! Effortlessly verify if a document meets eligibility requirements by applying a set of predefined rules.
- New Affordability Insights Expenditure Subcategories: We've expanded our Expenditure breakdown by adding new subcategories for the following categories:
- Utilities:
,TV licence
,Phone and broadband
, andOther
. - Tax:
Council tax
, andOther
. - Entertainment:
Dining out and takeaways
, andOther
. - Transportation and travel:
,Public transport
,Road tax
, andOther
. - Shopping:
, andOther
- Utilities:
- New Affordability Insights Expenditure Categories: We've added three new Expenditure categories to our breakdown:
,Pension contributions
, andHome maintenance and repairs
. - New Affordability Insights Income from Benefits Subcategories: Income from benefits is now detailed into the following subcategories:
Child benefits
,Universal Credit
,Disability allowance
,Job Seeker's Allowance
,Tax Credits
, andOther
. - Income & Employer Verification: We've enhanced our models to include Year-To-Date (YTD) figures from payslips and employee National Insurance numbers.
Improvements and Fixes
- Income & Employer Verification: Improved the algorithm for calculating monthly net income from bank statements.
- Affordability Insights: Responding to user feedback, we've made the high-value transactions indicator configurable—allowing you to specify the threshold amount to trigger the indicator.
- Bank Statement supported banks We've expanded the list of banks and financial institutions that are compatible with bank statement data extraction.
We've also resolved several bugs:
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, unpaid hours or unpaid time off was incorrectly listed as negative income instead of a deduction.
- Addressed a rare issue where company officers' names from the Companies House registry were not being mapped correctly.