Release 57
4 months ago by Panos Veranoudis
Deployed to Production
on 28/11/2024.
Update about OAuth 2.0
A friendly reminder: Sikoia's API has migrated to the OAuth 2.0. protocol. For details on this migration, refer to our Authentication guide. We've extended the deprecation timeline for API key usage to December 31st, 2024; you can find the deprecation announcement here.
New Feature
- New endpoint: Retrieve Additional Details for Income & Employer: We’ve introduced the
endpoint! This allows you to verify detailed data from individual payslips and bank statements used during income and employer verification, providing deeper insights and enhancing validation processes.
Improvements and Fixes
- Document quality integrity check: We've enhanced our algorithm to better assess whether a document meets the quality standards required for processing and generating Insights. This ensures more accurate and reliable results.
We've also been busy squashing bugs. Our most recent fixes include:
- Resolved an issue where, in some cases, unsupported PNG image files were incorrectly assigned the wrong status.