Release 55
5 months ago by Marie Kyle
Deployed to Production
on 30/10/2024.
Update about OAuth 2.0
A friendly reminder: Sikoia's API has migrated to the OAuth 2.0. protocol. For details on this migration, refer to our Authentication guide. We've extended the deprecation timeline for API key usage to December 31st, 2024; you can find the deprecation announcement here.
Improvements and Fixes
- Affordability Insights: We've enhanced the GET affordability insights response to now include a list of data sources used to compile the insights, giving you more transparency into the data behind the results.
- Income & Employer Verification: We've improved our GET income & employer verification response to return income values derived from bank statements with two decimal places, ensuring consistency with how payslip-derived income is displayed.
We've also been busy squashing bugs. Our most recent fixes include:
- Fixed an issue that was causing errors when uploading files with names containing non-ASCII characters.