
Release 40

Deployed to Production on 25/01/2024


Reminder about OAuth 2.0

As mentioned in our previous change log, we have moved the Sikoia API across to OAuth 2.0. protocol. As part of this you will have noticed our new UI page for Applications when you can create, manage and revoke client secrets. You can read more about Authentication and Authorization with Sikoias API in our guide here.

As part of this change, Sikoia will be deprecating the use of API keys on July 31st 2024. You can read the deprecation announcement here.


New Features

  • New case overview page: We've completely revamped our case overview page to make it easier to see the key data that relates to your case and identify areas that need more attention or further review.


Improvements and Fixes

We've been busy squashing bugs. Our most recent fixes include:

  • Company data: A small tweak to the UI. The next accounts due now displays correctly.
  • File Upload endpoint: Files with a .PDF file extension can now be uploaded successfully. Previously only lowercase .pdf was accepted.
  • UK addresses not found: Some UK post codes were found to not work with our address look up. This is now resolved
  • Addresses not updating: Portal users reported addresses not saving correctly. This is now resolved.