
Release 37

Deployed to Production on 21/11/2023


New Features

New Product

  • Case Notes: We have introduced a new feature which enable you to add comments to a case via the portal. Save information that will is important to remember in the future and collaborate with colleagues who are working that same case by adding and viewing notes as you review entity data.

Portal Changes

  • Request data screens: We have introduced some more guidance on each of the data pages to help users understand what information is about to be requested and what details are required to do so.
  • Enriched error details: We have also surfaced richer details in the portal to make it easier understand errors received when data requests cannot be fulfilled.


Improvements and Fixes

  • Management of documents: The documents section of the portal has received some "TLC". You can now view, edit and delete documents without the funky behaviour some customers reported.
  • Correction of dates surfaced for ownership: We noticed some of the dates being displayed on the UI didn't match the data being returned. This is now resolved!